Addiction is the scourge of modern society. It's easy to get addicted to them and not easy to get rid of them by experiencing a real "break".
Many smokers are dealing with the main question, how to replace cigarettes when quitting smoking, and is it possible to get rid of nicotine addiction at all with the help of traditional medicine?
It is possible to quit smoking using folk remedies, but it requires strong willpower.
Treating smoking with drugs does not always bring the right result.
The pills still act like a placebo and help a person endure withdrawal symptoms and withdrawal more easily.
throw houses
The first few days pass without a cigarette. People are starting to think that breaking a habit is easy. The next stage is the beginning of nicotine withdrawal. An important prerequisite is a positive attitude.
Techniques used when there is a desire to smoke:
- Constant lung function. Breath in and out deeply. This creates freedom of breath, the desire to light a cigarette disappears.
- Frequent consumption of food and water. The method occupies the oral cavity and allows you to quit smoking. Refers to psychological methods.
- Disgust. The essence of the method: collect cigarette butts in a glass container, pour water and cover with a lid. The algorithm of actions when there is a desire to smoke: open the glass and inhale the smell through the nose. The drug causes vomiting.
Recipes to get rid of the habit
The grandfather method includes a sequence of actions:
- Smoke the last pack of cigarettes. The number of remaining copies - 2 pieces.
- With one of the cigarettes. The smoke is puffed (not into a person's lungs). The smoke stays in your mouth.
- Close your mouth with the smoke inside. Plug nostrils with hands. Close your eyes and tilt your head back.
- Figurative smoke chewing (you must think that this is a meat product). The mouth is kept closed throughout the process.
- The duration of the procedure is 15 seconds.
- Open your mouth and inhale the smoke into your lungs.
The number of procedures is 3 units. The last step of the recipe is a deep drag on the previously left cigarette. Using the method will help the body get rid of addiction.
A useful tip for quitting smoking is to have a spoonful of honey in the morning (before brushing your teeth). After the procedure, a decoction of oats is taken in the amount of 250 ml (1 faceted glass). Method of preparing a decoction: the product is poured with boiling water. The solution should be filtered and refrigerated.
Oats can be replaced with porridge boiled in water (3-4 tablespoons).
Step-by-step recipe for preparing a salad to get rid of nicotine cravings:
- Boil potatoes and cut into small pieces.
- Fry eggplants in a pan with tomatoes.
- mixed preparations.
- Add garlic and vegetable oil.
Eating salad will help you kick a bad habit.
Folk remedies for nicotine addiction:
- Fall asleep 200 g of washed oatmeal in an enamel pan.
- Fill the product with cold water in an amount of 4 liters.
- Soak the pot contents for 4 hours.
- Bring the product to a boil.
- Cooking process (duration - 60 minutes).
- Cool the resulting broth.
- Pour into a 3 liter jar.
Storage is in the refrigerator. A decoction of 100 grams is taken three times a day. The duration of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, the process can be repeated.
Plantain Tincture Recipe:
- Collection of plantain leaves (morning or evening).
- Thorough washing of the workpieces.
- Pour into a container with a volume of 200-300 ml.
- Fill the product with vodka (can be replaced with medical alcohol with a strength of 70%).
- Infusion for 14 days.
Method of application: 4-6 drops together with a piece of bread. The duration of treatment is 1. 5 months.
The methods described will help to get rid of smoking and relieve discomfort.
How hypnosis works
Hypnosis: A specialized hypnotherapist puts a person in a state of consciousness where their brain is in a dream but is able to perceive and fixate on a subconscious level any information supplied from outside. After a hypnosis session, a person has the idea deep in their conscious mind that smoking is evil - it only leads to death. People no longer feel the urge to "smoke".
This method has advantages and disadvantages:
- The patient needs only the presence - no intervention in the process and no effort of will;
- There is no discomfort;
- When choosing a reliable therapist - complete freedom from pain;
- Group sessions are possible, which allows you to reduce the price;
- Risks from interventions in mental processes;
- Some cannot be put into a state of hypnosis; The method is not suitable for everyone;
- The presence of pseudo-hypnotherapists whose bait is easy to fall for.
Prevent weight gain when you fail
Why does weight gain occur:
- A change in the taste buds, making the food seem tastier, making you want to eat it more often.
- withdrawal symptoms. The body developed a habit of resting a little every time a person "smoked", after refusal it remained. Now there are no such breaks, and the brain asks to replace tobacco with something else, for example food.
- A smoked pack of cigarettes burned the smoker 200-250 calories daily. Energy losses must somehow be replenished.
- The Similarity of Nicotine Hunger to Food. The body simply does not understand what it lacks, and hunger must be replenished - with food!
Diets are not the best option in this situation, nutritional stress adds to the withdrawal syndrome, a nervous breakdown is simply guaranteed.
How to maintain your weight:
- Constant snacks: seeds, dried fruits, vegetables, fresh fruits are helpers in this matter;
- Daily diet from which you should not deviate;
- Daily physical activity (running, fitness, yoga);
- Smoking develops a persistent sucking habit, so sugar-free lollipops significantly reduce withdrawal symptoms.
If you keep your weight at the same level for 2-3 months, think the job is done, then it will be easier to resist weight gain.
Help patches and vitamins
For those who have decided to finally quit smoking, experts have highlighted important tips to make this process easier:
- Refusal of alcohol and coffee for some time - due to lack of nicotine, the brain begins to look for other stimulants for itself, but alcohol weakens self-control, which can affect abstinence from cigarettes;
- By taking vitamins, they weaken the withdrawal syndrome;
- Sleep and rest mode - more movements, normal sleep. These components help relieve stress from nicotine deficiency;
- Avoiding smoking venues and communicating with smokers avoids thinking, "okay, I'll shoot one, it's okay";
- No escape routes - you must throw away all empty packs, lighters reminiscent of affection;
- Refusing to switch addictions – for example, not getting attached to other drugs or foods that can have even worse consequences than smoking;
- Chewing gum in the first 2 weeks without cigarettes is your best friend;
- diaphragmatic breathing (belly breathing) with strong desire to smoke;
- Inadmissibility of nervous stress - a former smoker should try to avoid annoying situations that will help pick up a cigarette. Experts also recommend drinking a range of calming teas or light herbal teas.
- Replacing tobacco nicotine with therapeutic nicotine - chewing gum and using low-nicotine patches reduces the strength of the withdrawal syndrome.
By following these tips, you can greatly simplify the smoking cessation process and reduce the likelihood of a breakdown later.
quit smoking - headache
It's difficult to break a habit, because any change takes a toll on the body. When a person quits smoking, they suffer from headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, abdominal and chest pains, and the urge to feel sick.
Headaches are accompanied by general weakness in the body, lack of sleep and appetite. The entire autonomic system of the body suffers.
The listed symptoms are combined by specialists into such a comprehensive feature as "withdrawal syndrome", the manifestations of which lead to mental disorders. Working capacity decreases, the smoker becomes irritable, aggression is reflected in his behavior.
At the very beginning of giving up nicotine addiction, there are primary symptoms associated with the process of cleaning the cerebral vessels from harmful compounds of carcinogens, the level of oxygen increases rapidly, which leads to unpleasant sensations. The condition of the heart and blood vessels changes, leading to an increase in blood pressure and pain in the temples and neck.
In addition to physiological, there are also psychological causes of pain during nicotine withdrawal:
- The smoker is not morally ready to part with a cigarette, the body begins to go into a state of stress;
- Renunciation of any addiction is accompanied by strong feelings;
- If a person calms down only with the help of a cigarette, then, having missed this opportunity, he begins to get angry and panic, as a result of which the pressure increases and pain sensations appear in the brain.
Headaches in a smoker who has decided to quit the habit can be accompanied by more serious symptoms: absent-mindedness, shortness of breath and, oddly enough, a cough. If a person has just thought that it is time for them to quit smoking, at this stage they may begin to show health problems.
With the manifestation of these symptoms, nicotine is a drug, refusal to use it is accompanied by a "breakdown" with the ensuing consequences.
Pain in the head of a nicotine addict who has decided to overcome his addiction will be of different nature: the pain aches, cuts, throbbing, alternates with attacks and is aggravated with physical activity. Some patients need to use analgesics to get rid of the obsessive headache, otherwise they have to endure it for several days.
How not to return to smoking if you quit yourself
Most cigarette addicts claim that there are no "ex" smokers, even if you quit for the "100th" time. Experts say the opposite.
A definitive cessation of smoking is possible if you regularly take preventive measures:
- The very first and most important rule is to never go back to a cigarette, not even once. It takes you many steps back from your goal.
- A categorical "No" should always be in the mind, then attention is focused on solving the problem and not on the possibility of getting around it.
- Find an object that will help distract from the obsessive thought.
- Years after your victory over nicotine addiction, remember that if you indulge at least once, the smoking habit can return.
Methods and means for cleaning the lungs
The terms for cleaning the lungs after smoking the last cigarette are individual for everyone - from 3 months to a year. This process can be delayed in long-term smokers.
Comprehensive measures:
- Ensure the complete exclusion of smoking, the so-called passive;
- Take drug therapy courses;
- Possess strong mental health and a clear goal - complete cleansing of the body;
- It is planned to gradually increase physical activity;
- Take care of proper nutrition, wakefulness and sleep;
- perform breathing exercises that "open" the lungs;
- Use traditional medicine;
- Clean with inhalation;
- Visit baths and saunas, which have a positive effect on cleaning the lungs.
Recommended for consumption in larger quantities than usual: water, milk, apples, pineapple, green tea, garlic, natural dark chocolate.
Among the folk methods of purification from smoking are known:
- A decoction of pine buds.
- Infusion of violets and oregano. Take 2-3 times a day for a month.
- onion syrup. It is made from an onion with added sugar and taken 4 times.
- Collection of peppermint and St. John's wort.
An indicator that the lungs have cleared is the complete cessation of coughing and the absence of shortness of breath.
Expected changes in the body
The reactions of all organisms to smoking cessation are individual, the first days slightly resemble torture, and then everything returns to normal, the condition gradually improves. When everything goes according to a bad scenario, smokers develop small sores on the lips and oral mucosa that can progress to stomatitis. Immunity decreases, which makes them susceptible to viral diseases and various infections.
A former smoker is more likely to develop cancer and other serious illnesses. The sooner a person overcomes addiction, the less likely he is to develop serious illnesses.
Already at the beginning:
- Within 12 hours, breathing begins to recover;
- During the day, the work of the cardiovascular system stabilizes, and the unpleasant odor gradually disappears;
- After 3-4 days, active detoxification begins;
- By the end of the week, concentration increases, the sense of smell improves.
After a more significant time, changes occur:
- By the end of the 2nd month, the respiratory capacity of the lungs increases, blood is renewed, the color and elasticity of the skin return;
- Six months later, the liver has regenerated, the yellowing of the nails has disappeared;
- By the end of the 3rd trimester, the teeth are whitened, the lungs are completely cleaned, return to normal, the work of the reproductive system is restored, which allows you to give birth to a healthier child.
Deciding that smoking should not interfere with life is an important step that needs to be taken as soon as possible. Then it will be easier for the body and all its systems to return to a normal state and work in such a way that a person's life will last many happy years. The only important thing is to endure the first 3-4 days of the withdrawal syndrome, then it will be easier.